I'm not sure if I am just more aware at the moment but the TV seems to be running hot with ads for all parties and none of them are saying much at all.
The girls were watching one the other night and started nodding and agreeing with what the character was saying. Richard and I took the opportunity to discuss the "politics" of political campaigns. With the following very deep anology .
We are having steak for dinner. We are having dead cow for dinner.
Technically both statements are true but which one sounds better? We think they got the idea and were less in agreeance when the next ad came on.
It got me thinking far out how am I going to vote this time round. Richard and I have diametriaclly opposed political views so we have always agreed not to discuss our voting.
I had a google because I wanted to see if anyone had put together some sort of cheat sheet
I found this website.
It's is an educational tool developed by a non-profit group of
political scientists and hosted by the ABC. All you do is answer a short series of
questions to discover how you fit in the Australian political landscape. It is not affiliated with any political organisation or interest group.
It was very simple to do and covered a wide range of topics . I was fascinated by my results.
It wasn't what I expected at all.
You go through answer the questions on a five point scale - agree strongly agree etc etc and then it produces something like this
*** disclaimer - this isn't mine :) Just a sample one.
I thought it was interesting and feel a little more informed as to whether what I believe matches up with the party I'm voting for.
Bring on Saturday I say - let's get it over and done with. I wonder if our voting booth will have a cake stall this year!