My Ma turned 80 last weekend. 80 can you imagine? She was born in 1933.
A few facts from her birth year
1933 was the worst year of the depression with unemployment peaking at 25.2% with ( 1 in 4 people unemployed ). Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany and opened the first concentration camp at Dachau.
- Average Cost of new house $5,750.00
- Average wages per year $1,550.00
- Cost of a gallon of Gas 10 cents
- Average Cost for house rent $18.00 per month
- Vacuum Cleaner $17.75
- A loaf of Bread 7 cents
- Newport Boulevard Ladies Hat $1.69
- A LB of Hamburger Meat 11 cents
- Silk and Rayon Stockings 39 cents a Pair
- Plymouth 6 Car $445.00
- Health Building Tonic 89 cents
- Campbells Vegetable Soup 10 cents
- 1933 Vintage Radio $52.00
- Average Laborers Wage $20.00 per week
We often chat about how much has changed in her lifetime. She is very sprightly and her mind is sharp. The only health worry I ever really have for her is that she will slip over and break some bones. She is very tiny.
We had a lovely breakfast out and Richard organised all of the family to pool together to surprise her with a cruise. She and Pa are heading off in November. She is beyond excited as they live very frugally on the pension. She told us she going to dress up and pretend to be a lady. We have to laugh because she is always immaculately dressed and is the most elegant lady I know.
Not sure how we are going to celebrate her 90th!