I stumbed across this concept for using Jelly Beans. You place one of each colour into a plastic egg and add this poem.
Red is for the blood He gave,
Green is for the grass he made.
Yellow is for the sun so bright,
Orange is for the edge of night.Black is for the sins we made,
White is for the grace he gave.
Purple is for his hour of sorrow.
Pink is for our new tomorrow.A bag full of jelly beans is yummy to eat,
It’s a picture, a promise, a special treat,
To help us remember Jesus’ work complete,
Gives us hope beyond any earthly sweet.
The jelly beans I bought didn't have purple so we have changed the poem to say blue instead of purple.
The girls have started their eggs I have to get some more ink for printing the poems.
via pinterest.com
I love these "carrots" I saw this idea last year too but I have had NO luck finding the icing bags anywhere. I'd love to thought because these would be perfect for a few friends.

via spoonful.com
We love the idea of these for our family easter party - though no idea what to use for the orange lolly ... Maybe a snake chopped up???
I love the idea of these too for one of our meals over Easter- popped inside a plastic egg. Easter conversation starters.

I'm heading into surgery again next Wednesday and I'm not likely to be out before Easter Sunday so trying to get organised before hand. Have you got any fun ideas that are super easy ??? Please do share.