Time is marching on through September - Today is the 18th and that means just 12 more days to get it sorted!
We had a hugely busy weekend so I didn't get much of a chance to work on my list this week but I have made up for it today. I even managed to throw in a huge bonus item which was driving me nuts - Richard's work desk:) There was so much paper I had to move it all to the lounge room table to sort it - AND it filled the whole table! When I was finished - everything was filed in a small file.
I have also watched Salmon fishing in The Yemen - which was really quite good - different form what I expected I enjoyed it.
Although it was was awesome to cross more off again, I am down to the pointy end of the sort it list. It's all stuff that I am not keen to do and will take some time. I must stay focused I know I will love it when I am done. Can I just say a thousand apologies to those of you who added your link to last week's post - I stupidly thought I would get an email notification so I was surprised to pop there today and see all the links - I will come and visit tonight. Ill keep the list linky thing the same so we can all see how you've progressed - the old links will appear here too.
I hope you are well on your way to sort it bliss :)