Saturating inboxes and mail boxes around the country is news of the Target and other big box stores toy sales in preparation for Christmas. Eeek did I really just type that?
In past years I have to admit I have taken no notice of the toy sales - while the girls are still in toy land - I have tended to buy from fishpond when their sales were on. This year with more time on my hands, I have noticed the catalogues and I confess I'm going to be lined up on Thursday with many other parents. ( yep I know I can layby online too but I want to see LOL )
But really it's all around the fact that we have a La la Loopsy obsession in our house. I seriously want to collect them all. Like every single one of them. Every time I turn around there seems to be a new version out though. I'm particularly partial to the mini ones - they are just too adorable.
Sofia came home with a new one the other day after being out grocery shopping with Daddy who was under strict instructions not to buy her anything. I'm like - what happened to the no buy rule? Sofia pipes up with I knew this would be okay cause you have buy in to La las?? What the?
But yes she is right. I do. The minis are just $6 instaed of the usual $10.
So there is a VIP night on wednesday or I can just head there on Thursday - I don't want to miss out - what to do - what to do ??
Catalogue is here in case you haven't looked yet.
Just in case I'm missing out is there anything else I should be looking for? I do get kind of blinkered when it comes to La las.