This time last Sunday after mass, we took advantage of the fact that the girls were at guides camp and headed off for a leisurely breakfast. It's one of my most favourite things to do but my girls aren't very patient and once they have eaten I always get the what now Mumma call? I hate that I just want to sit and have a second coffee or tea. So I was looking forward to the peace of adults only.
As we waited for our friends I felt this hot gush and a sharp pain on my right side - I knew something had gone terribly wrong. A rush into the parents room and I realised that the fluid build up had burst through the wound. I was unable to stop the leaking - some frantic phone calls to my Aunt who is a nurse who said holy dooly just mop it up and try and hang out till tomorrow. We headed home and did exactly that. Never to be one to lose my head I thought cool, disaster averted, a few more panadol extras a change of clothes. Back for breakkie.
Three hours later the same again- a visit to my Aunt to show her the damage - another mop up then three hours later the same again.
So at 8.30pm ( missing Downton Abby - cross! ) I packed and headed into Pindara.
Antibiotics into my port every 6 hours, a double course of oral antibiotics (lucky he never took that out huh ?) a drain and and a long wait for my surgeon to arrive the next morning. He looked at it and quietly swore. He said it was a good decision to come in and to make myself comfortable I'd be there at least 3 days.
Sigh - 7 days later and I was released last night. We are quietly optimistic that the expander may be saved we should know in another week or so. Otherwise it would have required surgery to remove it and wait for it to heal and then a new one put back in.
A friend text me and said wow you are so patent.
I'm not.
I'm not it the slightly bit patient.
I had minimal connection and hardly even any mobile phone reception in the room I was in so that required even another layer of patience!
I have felt my whole life that I have lessons sent to me to teach me patience. I often say it.
I think just quietly or actually loudly I have had enough lessons - I'm never going to be patient we may as well just give up on the teaching of patience.
I spent the week teaching myself how to play sudoku - I knew the concept but just didnt realise how formulaic it was. I really like it. I'll pop a post up soon with my favourite sudoku apps and share what I learnt. I also read - books and my kindle, and finally started on a bible study I have wanted to do for some time.
Despite the issues, I can honestly say it was a good week in terms of my brain. It is starting to function again. I am thrilled I have cracked the sudoku thing as the first two days I thought I'd go crazy trying to see the logic. I am still yet to master some of the more obscure rules but I can crack the hard level in the paper.
So now I'm home with instructions to do nothing. I'm listening and doing nothing - but last night at 10.30 I had some more issues so we did the mad dash into Surfers to the chemist to get some more supplies. So I'm on mega go slow this morning trying to avoid a trip back. Tuesday night is the girls first music recital and I so want to go. I'll be back in to see my surgeon in his rooms tomorrow but infills, and the start of radiation just got pushed further out. More waiting more patience.
Today I'm hoping to head out to Harbourside for a coffee and something chocolate at the lovely new markets we have. It's raining and dreary here. Our lovely neighbour is making chicken cacciatore for us for dinner and my choir friends from church are dropping round baked goods for the girls lunches. We are spoilt :)
All I need to do is snug back up on the couch and catch up n the week of missed TV.
What ya been doing ???
Happy days :)