Tonight my heart is full to bursting so please excuse this Mumma rave :)
This afternoon we were invited to attend our girls school for them to receive "colours" which is an academic award for achievements.
The colours are badges which are sewn on to thier uniforms and are much sought after.
I can not begin to tell you how proud I was to find out that both girls were to receive not one not two but three academic awards EACH - One for the areas of Maths, English and Science. Unbelievable.
So exciting to see them traipse across the stage six times to collect their awards. The school had a special guest speaker who spoke about how inspiring it is to work in the maths and science fields.
The principal spoke to us afterwards and commented on how the special guest had noticed our girls and exclaimed how amazing for them both to be talented in three areas.
One of my girls was awarded a colour for science for achieving in the top 6% of the state- The only girl :)
Fit to bust I am.
Oh and my two with the excitement of it all? - Mumma you wore your wig you look awesome :) Life is good.