I didn't know there were stages- I just knew there was a lot of waiting and the waiting seems forever but then it's not and the time that has passed is infinitely short.
The first stage is the diagnosis
I found a lump two Sunday evenings ago as I lay on my stomach and thought ow what's that?
Monday I went to my GP and said what do you think this is ? I said it hurts. He said I don't know let's find out and sent me for a ultra sound and mammogram
Thursday ( yes a long wait ) I finally get in. 20 minutes in the radiographer - the lady who does the scan says get dressed you are all good to go just a little cyst you'll be fine I'll just check with the DR. I text Richard all clear going back to work Ill see you tonight.
Ive already switched to the next thing on my to do list.
2 minutes later the Dr appears and says Its not a cyst it doesn't look good and explained why - the shape the size the position some shadows and pointed them all out to me - All I could see was a blob and nothing else. He said he wanted a core biopsy and it was 75 % more likely to be nasty than not.
What ?? Where did my cyst go ?? At that stage I left my body and it was many days before I was to return.
So where do you go to get a core biopsy? At the same place with the same doctor who just told me the 75% news.... But you know got to love medicare and the system - I had to go back to my GP to be referred back for the Biopsy ??
I couldn't get an appointment with my GP so I had to wait till Saturday - I cried - Richard yelled at people but no appointment was coming.
Friday I stayed home from work and waited for a slot to open up. and it did. I hoped my Gp would not see the same things on the scan and tell me that the other Dr was wrong.
He didn't.
He said prepare for the worst and sent me back for my biopsy.
And so I waited and googled and prepared.
Wednesday came and the biopsy was done - I was told 48 hours for results.
And suddenly time moved infinitely faster.
So fast.
Richard met me in the driveway phone in hand as I pulled in Thursday afternoon from work.
They said come now.
and so we did .
A two minute drive knowing and yet not knowing.
We could tell by the way our Dr moved and didn't make eye contact as he called the patients ahead of us. But still we sat not wanting to know yet knowing.
I madly sent texts to keep busy to friends saying its got to be good right? results coming in early? They didn't have to do many tests? - and I got no replies. They knew too.
My Dr pulled the report up on his screen and took his time before he started but the words I had spent days before googling and preparing jumped out in 3D.
carcinoma invasive high grade
I said No. Don't you say those words to me and left. Richard stayed and heard the story while I paced.
Finally we heard the story together.
Friday I returned to work and shared the news and packed my desk and took indefinite leave.
Diagnosis took 13 days.