Two months ago I tweeted /blogged eagerly about the soon to be released SFI app.
I love my ipad and we use it a lot in the kitchen when cooking - more so than a traditional recipe book. So the thought of one of my favourite cooking mags loaded to my ipad was very cool!
And it is - TOTALLY AWESOME. I will never buy another paper copy of SFI.
Here is my take on why I love it - filled with lots of screen shots :)
Firstly you buy each mag as it becomes available - it's $1.19 and they sit in your library like this.
When you want to flick through one just touch and up it comes- this is the June edition
rather then flicking through pages you actually scroll down -with clickable links as you go
click the article you like and it takes your straight to that page ( you can still flick through like a normal mag too ) - See how it has those little two circles - click recipe
takes you straight to the recipe in cook mode
which is awesome when you pop your ipad in it's stand - the print is large and you flick through each step as you cook
If you click fact - it gives you all the nutrition details for the dish
another nice feature that is within the app is a total measure chart - all different weights and sizes - I am forever googling how many grams in 20 ounces etc- so now I don't need to
There is a variety of different ways to view that allow you to flick through readily and see articles at a galnce
My most favourite feature is the index - each mag has it as a quick reference with a pic and title of each recipe in that mag - and once again click and you are right there
Some recipes also have a video button
and the videos usually show either techniques or tricks to difficult parts of recipes
The final handy feature is the option to bookmark - you can easily just click the bookmark of a recipe you love and it sits in your bookmark section - the nice thing about this is it is not specific to one issue - so you'll gather all your fav recipes and be able to retrieve them with one click - Far easier than flicking through a huge pile of mags thinking where the heck is the chocolate muffin recipe I wanted to try.
LOVE it- can't rave enough- the girls do too :) - oh and there is a trial issue which is part of May that you can download for free to see if you like it - I think you will.
You can download the app for free here