A few weeks back Mel posted about her hexalong club
I was inspired by Sheree journal cover and wanted to make a little blythe quilt but got distracted and didn't get started.
Then the girls needed plate bags for guides camp coming up next week with 1050 girls all attending they needed something they could recognise straight away -so taking inspiration from Sheree I am working on these.
Denim bags with hex flowers perhaps? or just a hex pattern ? I'm undecided.
I am using this tutorial - which makes hexing so much faster. Thanks to Mel for the link.
I also need to make sit upons - of which I had no clue what they were when the list came home - so had to google
I'm thinking denim with hexagons would be cute too- with a plastic covering of course im thinkign the plastic stuff they have on rolls at spotlight.
Let's see how I go !
Tamar x