Here are my two happy campers
They came home rather waterlogged but very happy. Apaprently it was "the funnest "time they had ever had!
Despite the rain they still managed to fit in a night hike, butterfly making from coffee filters, wind sock making, marble tie dying of fabric, face painting, a photo scavenger hunt where they had to go around taking photos, scoobie making and they still had camp fire without the fire.
They learnt many new songs - including this little gem - which has them in fits of laughter very time they sing it for me - squeamish alert - skip the next bit if you like !
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee -
OUCH!! It stung me!!
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee -
EW!! What a mess!!
I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee -
ICK!! I feel sick!!
I'm barfin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm barfin' up my baby bumble bee -
OH!! What a mess!!
I'm wipin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm wipin' up my baby bumble bee -
OOPS!! Mommy's new towel!!
I'm wringin' out my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm wringing out my baby bumble bee -
Bye-Bye baby bumble bee!!
There are actions too. I have learnt all camp songs come with actions. The theme for the camp was allsorts - which means they get their allsorts badge- I'm not sure what that looks like :)
They didnt shower - AT ALL- apparently because it was raining so that was close to a shower -and tehy wree too busy doing fun things to fit in a shower- NICE.
The situpons survived the camp and were the envy of quite a few I hear :)
It all sounded so fun and I have the utmost respect for the ladies who volunteer their time to make the camp happen - It's a big ask.
The girls had so many stories and they keep on coming but Ill share this one
Two girls from another troop were sent home - they were disrespectful to the group leaders and said the activities were lame and they rolled their eyes and wouldn't wear their hats and said you can't make us you are not the boss of me - and then their parents got called and they got to sit in the cottage and wait till they came to pick them up.
I said well that's not very good - and I'm glad I didn't get a phone call like that - I hope you didn't get in trouble for anything
the dreaded silence.... and so I said well clearly you did so what happened
Well there was this one time in the night when we were all playing with our torches and telling stories and out leader came in and said if you don't go to sleep right now I will make you take your mattresses and sleep out in the rain.
I said - hmm and so then what happened
well then we went to sleep.
Phew !
You can just imagine it can't you ? 10 litle girls in bunk beds giggling with torches flicking on and off.
and so the love affair with guides continues - thank you for sharing all your guide stories - I'll continue to share ours as they unfold. I hope there are many more to tell.
Tamar x