Hmm So much for the quiet last day of holidays....
Started last night
went to bed late - 3.00am my own fault surfing, chatting, working, blah blah blah
so tired..
This morning
Naming Day and 1st Birthday at 8.30 in the park for Caleb
Sofia would not get dressed - refused. Now i know you must think so get her dressed . Believe me we tried. 45 minutes of angst - not good. No coffee. Very stressing . I did not want to go . Richard left with Talia - Sofia then hysterical. I ring him. He comes back. We still have to hold her down to get dressed screaming... 2 minutes into the trip - she is singing. Happy - smiling - "Look at my shoes Mumma". Me? I am drinking the coffee that Richard had the foresight to pour for me and put in one of those travel mugs.
Not good.
The culprit! Sofia Jaine!!
and the rest of the day- in no particular order
- Surprise visit by my grandparents
- Girls trashed their rooms
- Shelves put up in my scrap room and the girls playroom
- New exercise bike - not for me heaven forbid- no it's all Richards
- Risotto for dinner
- Watched the new show - Australia's Brainiest Kid - amazing those little munchkins - makes you feel positive about the future
To do...
house is a write off
still have a unit of work to write to start back at school tomorrow - that's so not going to happen
more website to do- ongoing forever and ever
lunches - Richard maybe?
ironing- I am soo funny
And right now..
Definitely time for coffee and some Tim Tam balls
- they are so new not even up on the Arnott's website- but imagine a chocolate ball that tastes just like a Tim Tam - YUMMMM - Tim Tam Facts - check them out here
Scrap related..
If you haven't heard Cathy Z's blogcast- go listen- Donna Downey - so funny
My friend Rhonda just scrapped a clock - haven't seen it yet but know it'll be great. I so want to do one - I am kidding myself arent I? - will I ever find time to scrap again?
Oh and Suz - took some more amazing photos today - the website will look so cool - if I ever get it finished - have to go
But quick here have a look at this :-
Thanks Suz - :) I Luv it!
Speaking of photos -I have been inspired by some amazing talented scrappers to do a a photo a day - so starting today- check out the photo gallery!